Having two little boys.... what to say? I absolutely love it. I have read many stories about older siblings having severe jealousy of the younger sibling... and honestly, maybe we just haven't gotten to it yet, but as of right now Eli absolutely loves his little brother more then anything. He wants to help me do everything and anything. Hold him, feed him.... yes, even breast feeding. I will post pictures of that soon enough and tell you an extremely funny story. Read stories to him, put him to bed... you get the picture. So here are just a FEW pictures to show you how helpful Eli is with is little brother.

They both look so serious in this picture... I couldn't resist.

Eli was playing Iron Man with Ethan and he was trying so hard to get Ethan to hold on to the Iron Man doll, but it just wasn't working out quite like he thought it would. I love the pictures though and just the fact that he is trying so hard to share with his little brother. It's makes a mom proud.

OOOOOOOO the kisses.... so many of them. Definitely one of his favorite things to do.

Helping me put him to bed, but of course ending up in mom's bed watching a movie and then later on.... ending up like this. How can you not love this sight?

Reading stories with daddy. Eli loves to read... and im sure soon enough, Ethan will enjoy it just as much.

Nap time.... Eli says, " Nap time for Ethan too" and of course Ethan being a newborn, it is always nap time, so once again. We all end up in the same bed so I can supervise the cuddling.
I'm not even going to lie. I was really worried about the adjustment of having to little boys and I was worried how it was going to effect Eli and how it was going to change our little perfect family, but even only being a little into the second week of life, I couldn't imagine it any other way. It seems like we have always had Ethan and he is right were he belongs. And our little family is still just as perfect, just not quite as little.
Thank heaven for little boys..... especially MY little boys. My life would not be the same without them.