So this is a really really really long post. But on the plus side, there are tons of very cute pictures of the most adorable boy ever. So hope you enjoy. The pictures are way out of order. I always forget that they upload backwards, but I will be good about explaining what each of them are about.

Eli loving his Easter eggs that he is finding. I love how he has a hot pink basket. His basket had his Easter toys in it, so his Aunt Heather so graciously offered to let him use hers. I thought it was kind of cute actually.

Lara and Taylor hunting for Easter Eggs. Lara looking super cute in her new Easter outfit. I think that Lara had a tons of fun. Way better then her experience at the park. ( I will explain this later)

Isn't he the cutest boy every. He always looks so handsome. His cute little Easter outfit is actually shorts, but you can hardly tell because he is so stinking short. We are buying his clothes a little bigger so he has grow room, but they are so long on him at the moment.

Eli just looking for some more eggs. He thought this was so much fun. Last year he pretty much just sat there. This year was way more fun because he was able to run around and find the eggs.

I love this face. He just isn't sure what to think about what he is doing.

I just can't get over how handsome he looks. And how grown up he looks in his new Easter church outfit. Thanks again Grandma Gaye. You have the best taste ever and you always get him such cute clothes.

I love this little boy so much. I can't believe how fast he is growing up.

Eli and his daddy.

Lovely Lara checking out her Easter basket.

Eli Checking out his Easter basket. Did the Easter bunny bring him anything fun? I think he did.

Eli got this new basketball hoop. Not necessarily for Easter. We just happen to get it on the same weekend. But Justin was being so helpful and teaching him how to play. You think Eli figured out where the ball is suppose to go?

Whats wrong with this picture?

My little Bat Bat Boy!!!

Eli loves his Grandpa Randy a lot. They were having so much fun together, and Eli was busting up laughing. It was the funniest thing I have ever seen.

This picture has very little to do with anything. I just think this is such a stinking cute picture.

Same with this picture. We had corn with our Easter dinner and he was loving it. So I had to get a picture of him.

This is Charlee. The daughter of some of our really good friends. Lara was lovin it up holding a new baby. Eli is kind of past that stage of the cute, cuddly, just wants to be held stage. He only lets his mommy cuddle him and usually only when he is tired or hungry.

Just another hot shot of our cute little boy.

So Eli and Charlee are almost exactly a year apart. I just have to tell you, where doomed for ever having another child. Eli was not having it. When Matt or I was holding Charlee, Eli was so jealous and he was trying so hard to get up in our arms as well. He just didn't like that the attentions was not all on him.

This is Eli and Grandma coloring eggs. I do believe that more of the stickers got put on Eli then on the eggs. I think by the end of the expierence he was actually more colorful then the eggs to.

Eli and Grandma.

Here are a couple of pictures of Lara decorating her eggs. She was having so much fun. We had about 6 different choices of ways that she could decorate her eggs and she was having fun trying them all. She is so creative and loves the artistic cide of things.
This is John. He is one of Eli's best friends and he came out to color eggs with us.

This is just a few pictures of Eli coloring eggs with different people. He had so much fun and he was so cute to watch.

So, I know that this pictue is little bit crazy, but I have to elplain the maddness behing this picture. I just want everyone to know, I am pretty sure that I will never do a neighborhood Easter Egg hunt ever again. People are jerks and they forget why they are there in the first place. We went over to the American Fork Neighborhood hunt and I was floored by how ridiculous, imature and stupid so many of the parents were. It was so bad. Eli got on thing and that was only because his Aunt grbbed him up something and he was in the three and under section. Three and under people. And Lara, my kid sister, I decided to let her go with the 7 to 10 year olds. She walked in and walked right back out and said that she didn't get anything and she didn't want to either because the kids were so mean. But it wasn't even the kids folks. The guy that I was standing next to would purposly keep breaking the caution tape because he felt that it was only fair if the kids on the other side got to step up a few feet because their tape had accidently broken, well then his kid should get to go up a few steps too. Even though the representives were tying them back up just as fast as they could, and he would just break it again. This is the dad people, not the little 8 year old.... the dad. What is the world coming to?
All in all we had a great Easter and the weekend was so much fun. Thanks again Grandma and Grandpa for letting us come crash at your house and have such a fun weekend. Love you guys.