We had the best time last weekend. It was a very eventful fun filled weekend of camping, dinosaurs, airplanes, and trains. What more could a little boy want. We have been wanting to go camping so bad lately, and every time we try to go, something always came up. So on like Wed. we just decided that we were just going go... no ifs, ands or butts... were just going. We wanted to go somewhere that would have some fun things for Eli to do during the day so that we didn't just have to hang out at the camp all day. Well after doing a little bit of research, we decided to go to Ogden. Yeah, Yeah, I know.... really, Ogden? But don't judge just yet. There are so many things to do there, it is great for kids, especially a little boy. We camped at Fort Buenivotera right in the center of Ogden....(pictures to be coming soon). Friday we went to Hill Air Force Base. This is a very cool museum if you have not yet been to see it. I highly recommend it. The next day we went to the Dinosaur Park and then later in the afternoon, we went to the tree house. This is a big Children museum, also in Ogden. The next few posts are all about this fun weekend that we had. This post is about the wonderful Dinosaur Park that we went to.

Eli being so brave and touching the Dinosaur claw

Eli looking out the window of the museum and the huge Dinosaur statues outside

Look at the size comparison

Again, look at the size comparison..... He looks so cute in this picture

Eli and his Daddy

Eli and his favorite Aunt Heather

Family shot.....

My little cavemen

This picture says it all

I love this picture

Lara as a Dinosaur rider..... I think there is a future there... What do you think?

Heather being so brave and putting a live snake around her neck. I was going to do it to, but they had a much bigger one that they were going to take out a little while later and I was going to old that one, but then they never did..... I was very sad.

My little Paleontologist

Another Family Photo

The sacrifice of Eli

I don't know if you can see it in this picture, but Eli was terrified.... Very, Very, Very scared. But of course they thought it would make a great picture.... and I have to admit, it is pretty priceless, I don't know if he will ever forgive us though.