So this is my very favorite all time new picture of Eli and also my favorite picture from this trip. This kid has so much personality and he was being so funny. We went swimming at the hotel about 5 different times and one particular time he was more then excited. He had to have all his toys and the goggles before he was ready to go. Doesn't he just look so cute.

So we went to a wedding in Marsing, Idaho last weekend. Marsings is in the middle of no were... literally, when you think you have gotten no were and you are lost to the depths of Idaho.... well keep going about an hour or so past that and then you will hit Marsings, but the flip side of all of this boring traveling is that we got a really fun trip out of it. Here is just a portion of all the fun adventures that we had on this trip.
First Stop.... Zoo Boise......

Just a few pictures of Eli being his lovable, adorable self

This is Matt showing off his comical side. I'm not exactly sure what he was doing, but it sure makes for a funny picture.

This is the crew that went with us. Eli, Matt, Heather, and Lara. I sure am glad Heather decided to make the trip with us. It made the trip all that much more fun.

You can see that the comedy thing must just run in the family. This is Heather showing her comical side as well.

Lara in a dung beetle cave.... isn't that an interesting thought

Matt showing his true colors...... JUST KIDDING honey, I love you and your funny side

So Eli has this serious fascination with corn. He loves, loves, loves it. He loves to eat it right of the cob. And if given enough time, he will clean an entire cob without even blinking.

The last few pictures are of some really great falls that we saw in Twin Falls. They were so beautiful. Matt was reading about them on the internet and he said that in April the water is so high that you can't even see the rocks. It would be really cool to see them at that time of the year. We may have to make a trip back.