Ethan was born on Friday the 30th of April, at 7:15 in the evening. He had quite the experience getting here, and this I am sure that I will share in a later post. I will give bits and pieces of it in this post, but I mostly just wanted to get some pictures out there to let everyone know that he arrived safely. He was 9 pounds and 13 ounces and 21 1/2 inches long. Nobody believed me when I said that I felt like I was having a ten pound kid.... well I pretty much did. He was a big kid, but so perfect.

Once he was born, he was taken up to the NICU to fix a problem they called gurgaling. He just sounded like his lungs were very full of something. They put him on a c-pap machine for about and hour, after they had suctioned out his lungs. They were not super concerned, and they say it is a pretty common thing that actually happens to quite a few kids.

This is right after they took the c-pap machine. He was just so relaxed and seemed so content with life. I love it.

This is Eli the first time that he got to see his little brother in the nursery. He was so excited, as you can plainly see from the cute little face.

The first family of four picture that we took. I look really bad in this picture, but come on, you can't expect that much after just pushing a ten pound kid out.

Eli loves his little brother so much. Future post to come showing all the fun that Eli has already had with his cute little brother in the last 4 days.

The day after Ethan was born was also free comic book day. Now you would only know this if you were a total nerd, which my husband just happens to be. A cute nerd, but a nerd . Eli needed some much needed mommy or daddy time, so Matt decided this would be a good time to take him out for a little bit with just the two of them. Of course they ended up at the comic book store. And of course, they had to bring little Ethan back his very first comic book. Eli was so excited to give it to him because he had also got the same one. I have to admit, it is a pretty cute picture.

Ethan and his Daddy

Mommy and all three of her boys..... Well, sort of!

Again, you can see the love that Eli has for his new little brother.

I have to admit, when Ethan was just very first born I couldn't really see much of Eli in him, but within hours and after his first bath, Ethan has now become a dead ringer for his older brother. There will be posts soon to show you just how similar these to little boys look.
All in all, the delivery and hospital stay was great, but I am definitely excited to be home. Thanks to all the visitors and friends, the thoughts and well wishes and well, just a big Thank you to everybody. We sure are super excited to have this new little addition home safe and sound.