Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Grasshopper!!!

Staring it down!!!

I'm very glad to know that my son is all boy. The other day we were out in the garden pulling some weeds and we caught the biggest grasshopper I had ever seen. So I thought for sure that Eli would freak out when it jumped, but as you will later see in the video.... he did the exact opposite. He was so intrigued by it. No matter where we put it, Eli was trying so hard to catch it. Even when we put in on his head, he was a little concerned because he could feel it and he knew it was there, but he couldn't find it. Why we were out there, we also caught a brown worm, a caterpillar, and a praying mantis. None of them scared him at all. He was just the most fascinated with the grasshopper. This is why I am making the post about the grasshopper. Each experience with Eli is so much fun. Even the little simple things like finding a grasshopper in the garden. I have never had so much fun with a little bug in my life. Eli's laugh makes it all worth it. I love his laugh.

Eli trying to grab it

Here he is again just being so fascinated with it

The ittsy bitsy grasshopper, jumped up on Eli's leg

Even when he had it on his hand it didn't scare him


  1. His laugh is so precious and infectious. I couldn't help but smile when I heard it. Thanks for sharing it!

  2. That is stinking cute all Vanessa does is look at the grasshopper but it has to be in a glass or she runs off screaming. You can't tell that she is a girl.

  3. This is Kendra and Brian. Gaye told us about your blog. Eli is so cute!!! I have only since him a couple times but he is getting big! :D

  4. that belly laugh is hiLARious! :) And I do believe that is the humongo'ist grasshopper I have ever seen!!
