Drew, Sarah holing John (He was a pit crew memeber), Lara ( Pippi Longstocking), Matt holding Eli (Matt was Uncle Fester and Eli was a Monkey), Heather (A fairy), and Me (A Killer Vampire Bunny....kinda a last minute thing, but it sure was fun)

Okay, Okay, So I am only a little behind on getting Halloween pictures posted. But it has been an exceptionally busy week. As you will see in my next post, Eli turned one. That was emotional..... jk. Well sort of. Anyways, you can see that we are not the most photogenic group, but we did try. We had a great Halloween. Not only was it a fun holiday, but it was also Matt's birthday, which makes it even more of a great holiday. Anywho, we went out to Matt's mom's house and spent the evening out there. We had a fun family party, and everyone came over for cake and ice cream, and to show off Halloween costumes of course. But then we went trick-or-treating. I was so proud of my little boy. He went through the Haunted House with his daddy and was not even scared. Well, sorry these are so late. Just wanted to share a few pictures of the fun we had on Halloween.

One tired little boy boy after a very eventful Halloween holiday.
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