So the other day Matt signed us up for something that I didn't even know existed and I gotta tell you, it was so much fun. And although Eli is.. well... a little young, he had so much fun, as you will soon see in the video. We went Lowes, the hardware store and every other week they have these classes that are free... yep, that's what I said, free. They are little wood shop classes for kids. Well Eli was stoked, they gave him this little hammer and this apron and safety goggles, and then a little wood kit that he can make. This week was a time capsule and he loved hitting it with the hammer. Of course he had to have lots of help from his daddy, but the experience was great all the same. Any of you have little boys, I would highly recommend going and trying this out. This week they are making Table Top Basketball hoops.

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