Lara got her face painted with her inner animal. How suiting that they picked the butterfly. I thought that she looked really cute. She was so excited when I told her that they were painting faces the day that we were there.
We went to the Zoo with our best friends ever, Drew and Sarah and John. There handsome little boy was turning three. So crazy to think, because I remember when he was born and it does not seem like that long ago. Anyway, Eli loved the zoo. I was worried that he might be afraid of the big animals, but not hardly. He loved them. So here are some pictures to tell you about our way fun day in the sun at the zoo. Thanks for inviting us Drew and Sarah. And Happy Birthday John.

This is Eli Monkey playing with the big water ball at the entrance of the park. Eli thought it was the coolest thing ever.

I know, I know, nobody really cares to see the pictures of the animals, but I gotta tell you, Peacocks are the coolest birds in the world. I have never in my life seen a peacock with his tail completely open. They are beautiful. But it does kind of baffel my mind how they can even carry all those feathers around, they have to be super heavy.

Little stinkers, I swear every time one of them would look at me, the other one would not. I couldn't win. But, they are still the cutest two boys ever.

Justin and Eli posing on the lion statue. Don't they look so cute.

Gaye, Eli and Lara standing in front of the Zebras. It was such a fun day.

Matt, Eli and Gaye watching the black bear. Eli thought they were so cool. The bear kept going in and out of the cave and every time the bear would come out of the cave he would say " oooo oooo oooo" It was about the cutest thing ever.

John was so tuckered out, he slept through part of his birthday party at the zoo.

Eli and Grandma watching the bird show. He followed the bird to the back of the arena thing and then he was waiting for it to fly over his head again.

Priceless pictures.... I can never have enough of them.

Eli and his handsome daddy. I love you two so much!!!!!

Just a really cute picture of John. I'm not even sure what he is doing. I think he was caught off guard.

Again, they would never both look at me a the same time. That would be way to easy..right?

John relaxing on the Elephant's nose.

Say Cheese John.

Me, Eli, John and Sarah standing in front of the Elephant.
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