We had so much fun in Delta over the
4th of July. For being a small town, Delta definitly knows how to do this holiday right. There is so much to do. But really, honestly, this year was the worst. I have never seen so many people in my life. Delta was so crowded, the park, and the derby were out of control in my opinion. But it was still very much fun. Warning you a head of time... LOTS of pictures. But what else is new, this is me we are talking about.

This is Eli holding his new cousin Thomas Casey Nielsen. Isn't he about the cutest thing ever. Eli was living it up with the babies. He thought he was about the greatest thing ever.

Eli giving away kisses

Just another cute shot of Eli looking at Thomas

I love this kid

Eli and his cute cousin Shaylee

Lara holding Thomas

I love this picture. We are out on the grass decorating our bikes and strollers to ride in the kiddy parade and Eli found the tractor to be way more interesting then helping us decorate his stroller. But that is okay, because he looked really cute.

Haley showing off her bike decoration

Elise and her bike

Janis and her bike

Lara in the parade, waving at all her fans

Eli with his victory popsicle

Eli waving his flag and loving that popsicle

A group shot of all of the kids waiting for them to throw some more candy

Eli and Daddy

Eli snatching up his candy

I love his stance in this picture. He is waiting in aticipation for them to throw more candy. Last year he really enjoyed watching the parade, but this year he was old enough to get into it. He thought running out with the kids and with his daddy to get the candy was about the greatest thing ever.

Eli and his wonderful sucker

Eli and his mommy

The kids on the wacky wagon

This is Eli holding his other new cousin Brynlee.... isn't she about the cutest thing ever
All in all we had a great 4th of July. We pushed Eli in his stroller for the kiddy parade. We went to the parade and had loads of fun letting Eli run and get candy. We went to the city park and watched Dyer Highway.... AMAZING by the way. Then we had a really big barbaque at grandmas house and spent some high quality time with all the family. Then we went to the Derby. Eli loved it. Cars that crash... what little boy would'nt love that. But man was it super crowded. They should have stopped taking tickets about 3oo people before they did. It was out of control. But still fun. And then of course we ended the night watching some amazing Delta fireworks. I love how entrigued Eli was with the fireworks. I don't think he even blinked the entire show. He loved them.
Happy 4th of July to Everyone. I hope you all had a great holiday.
Man it sounds like you had an awesome 4th of July weekend. I love the picture of Eli giving kisses to Thomas. SO CUTE!!!