This is my new favorite picture of Eli. He is so stinking cute and I'm not sure what the face is doing, but I love it.......

We went to Swiss days a weekend or so ago with Matt's family. It was pretty fun I guess. Way to over whelming with all the many booths and very cute crafts that they were selling. I wish I was rich, it would have been much more fun. So anyways, not much really to say about the day. Just thought I would share a few pictures of the days adventures.

He is trying to climb the wall in this picture. Isn't it so funny?

My cute son can even make a wooden port a potty look good!!!

Heather thought it would be pretty funny to set Eli up to take some funny pictures on the potty.

Eli loves his Aunt Heather

Heather and Taylor just taking some funny pictures

Matt, Heather, and Taylor....... Say Cheese!
Second picture down " GET TO THE CHOPPA!!!!"