Monday, April 26, 2010
Yes...... I am still pregnant!
So I have not really talked much about this pregnancy, at least not on the blog. But We are expecting baby boy number two in just a few days. This pregnancy has definitely been very different then the first one. Much more painful and for surely harder on my body, but as I always say.... I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. Being a mom is the greatest blessing in the whole world and I am nothing but pure excited and happy to be bringing another little boy into this world. I just wanted to sort of fill my few faithful readers in one whats going on. I have been dilated to a two for awhile now and 50 percent efaced but because of the lung development thing, they will not really do anything about it until it is much more then that. Also, they were worried that he was breech, so two weeks ago I had another Ultrasound to check up on this. Good news.... not Breech. Bad news, measuring three weeks ahead of schedule, but they still will not do anything about it until the 39th week. Which, thank heavens is this week. I am very scared that this little boy is not going to be so little. I feel as if he will be a ten pound kid, but I suppose we will find out in just a few days. I am scheduled to go in on Friday to get induced, unless he comes sooner, but I am not holding my breath for that. I really just feel my body needs a little coaxing in getting my kids here. But either way, they get here and they are healthy. So keep me in your prayers. We will for sure have a little boy here sometime on Friday, unless by some miracle he comes sooner. Which I will also keep you posted on. Love you all.
Gotta love him....
So this is the most random of posts. Not so much the post itself, it is just a bunch of random pictures that I thought I would share because he just so stinkin funny.
This is Eli at his best lately. He loves to wrestle, shoot things, fight with anyone who will play fight with him... and well basically, he is 100 percent boy.
Again, honestly, I wouldn't even know where to start with this picture. He was just really on one this night and Eli's awesome Aunt caught some of the funniest pictures of him.
The other day we decided to go to the park for a picnic and some wonderful, well needed, Sunny Vitamin D. We had so much fun and once again, Heather caught some really cute pictures of the boys.
This is Korbin, one of Eli's new bestest friends. They have so much fun together.
I know that everyone thinks it is just the cutest thing in the world when two little girls hold hands, but I have to say, I think this is a pretty cute picture of this two handsome boys.
Eli caught off guard I think.

I love this picture. They are both such Cheezers when they want to be.
Randall and Heather. Korbin is Randall's little boy.
This is also one of my new favorites. They all just look so happy.
Heather and Lara. Two of my favorite people in the whole world.

Monday, April 19, 2010
What do you do in your spare time?
Well in our spare time, we play candyland..... yep folks, you read it right, Candyland. But not just any candyland, we play life size candyland. Can I just tell you all how much I love the American Fork Library, and how happy I am that we live so close to it. They do the most amazing job with activities and ways of getting people to the library. I don't really feel they would have to do all that much to get us there, because Eli loves going and getting new books, and personally, reading to him is one of my favorite things to do because he gets so into the stories. But they really do an amazing job. Last Friday night, the library was celebrating their birthday party, and they went all out with a life size version of Candyland. It was so much fun. At first they just had little activities for the kids to do. I will explain these in the pictures. And then at the end we all played life size candyland. Eli had so much fun.
This is were they started. They played bingo with little candy pieces, it was so perfect and great for Eli's age.

The next game they played was a really fun game, and not for the life of me can I remember the name of it. But they each put a piece of colorful tape folded on their elbows and then when they said go, you had to go steal other kids tape, but you could only use your elbows. Eli thought it was really funny and he had kind of a hard time because he was so much shorter then everybody else, but he did manage to steal a few. To explain these pictures, when they said ready, set, go he got down in a running position because, well.... isn't this what your suppose to do when you hear those words.

The next thing they did was to decorate their bags that they collected all their candy in from the game. Eli is so careful when he is making things like this and he loves it so much. He is very much a hands on type learner and he is very careful and meticulous about things that he makes.

Then they had all the kids pick a present out of the box of donations and they each got to open it and then put it back in the library bin. Helping the kids to each give the library a birthday present. I thought for sure this part was going to get way out of hand, But not really, they did an excellent job at handling it.
I feel really bad that I didn't really get any pictures of the actual game, But there where so many kids and this is the part that really did turn crazy, but all in all, Eli had a great night and it was all free. Can you say bonus deal? I love our library and will forever support them.

Monday, April 12, 2010
Baby Bump Pictures
Okay, okay, so I have seen so many of my friends get baby bump pictures. I think they are always adorable, but when it comes to me, I hate having pictures taken of me. Especially when I am pregnant. I just feel, and look huge, but, my husband, being the creative angel photographer that he is, actually got a few that I don't hate.... mind you, you don't really see my face in any of them, just our adorable little son loving his little brother so much. I'm not even going to lie, I never got any pregnancy pictures with Eli and a part of me kind of wishes I would have, but like I said, I just feel really big and definitely not very attractive when I am pregnant. But when you add Eli to the mix, the pictures get ten times cuter. Hope you all enjoy!

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