Warning to all, there are many pictures on this post. My posts usually do have lots, but this one seems to have even more then normal. He was just so cute and I use this as my scrapbook lately so I have to put all the pictures that I would in his book on here. So anyways, we had a great Easter, minus the whole December like weather, it was actually a very enjoyable weekend. We spent the weekend out at Grandma Gaye's house and mostly we just hung out and spent some time as a family. On Saturday we colored Easter eggs with Grandma, Grandpa, Lara, Heather, Randall and Korbin. Eli loves this part of Easter. I have to admit, he stayed way cleaner this year then he did last year. But I guess that just comes with growing up.

Not sure what his face is doing in this picture, but he is painting with the egg stamps. He didn't always keep it on the egg, but he sure did have fun.

My lovely Lara enjoying life. I have to say, she made some dang cute eggs. I feel bad, I took a hundred pictures and I now realize that I didn't take any of her eggs. What was I thinking?

Can I just tell you how much this little boy loves his Grandma Gaye. She is so good to him and I can honestly say that she is one of Eli's most favorite people in the world.

He was just as proud of his Popsicle as he was of the egg he had just decorated.

This is Korbin and Eli. Korbin is Heathers boyfriends son. Eli and him are just a month or so apart. Eli has loved having a new friend to hang out with. As you can see, Korbin was not all that excited to have his picture taken, but we wanted to try and get one of both of the boys together. There is a much cuter one of him down the line a little.

Eli showing off his Kung Fu Panda egg. I think this was one of his favorites.

This is how Eli fell asleep after doing the Easter Eggs. He had tucked him self in all nicely with pillows all around him and Grandmas monkey to his side. I just thought it was a really cute picture of him.

Matt was getting all artsy with the camera and I thought this picture and the next one were pretty cool. They definitely represent Easter I think.

This is Grandma, Eli and Cameron. This is Eli's newest cousin on Matt's side of the family. Eli so badly wanted to help feed him his bottle. This gives me hope. I think that he will be really excited to help me with the new baby when he gets here.

This was what the Easter bunny brought for Lara. As you can see, the Easter bunny is a little anti candy, but honestly I think the bunny knows enough about Lara to know that she really doesn't love any kind of candy, except recess, which there are a few in the bottom, also there are some pistachios in the bottom as well. I figure the bunny may as well bring things that she is going to enjoy, right, even if it isn't your typical Easter basket.

Same goes with this little boys basket. Eli doesn't really love candy either. He eats it occasionally but it is nothing that he really loves. This year, the bunny brought him an ABC leapfrog fridge magnet and a new bubble gun because the one that he received last summer just recently stopped working and he was very sad to see it go.

This is a picture of Lara and Eli showing off all the eggs they found hidden IN THE HOUSE, yeah, you read that right. What is the weather man thinking with all the snow the morning of Easter. Honestly, I don't think we have had an indoor Easter Egg hunt in years, but you do what you gotta do right. They still really enjoyed it and they are both looking so cute in their new Easter outfits. Eli got a new church one too, but you will just have to wait to see that in another post. And Grandma and Grandpa Hatch also gave him a very handsome outfit that I am planning on doing pictures in here soon enough, so you will get to see that one soon as well.
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