
This is my family, not Joni's. We are a little bit crazier than most families. Eli likes to take ALOT of naps with Grandma Gaye. Taylor (my fake sister) likes to eat our puppies and is never at her own house. She is always there laughing and being really crazy but we love her like she was one of our own. Justin and Eli like to do crazy things like, make baby carriers out of Justin's belt. Heater likes to take pictures of her self ALL THE TIME. Even if it is not her camera she will make sure there are pictures of her face on it. Then there is Eli playing at Grandma's he found this missle and decided to go blow up some stuff. He had a lot of fun with his orange camo and big missle. In case you haven't figured it out yet, this is Matt typing this post, instead of Joni.
But, Joni (that's me) did want to put her two cents in. These are my in-laws, well most of them. I didn't find a picture of grandpa Randy with Eli. But I know I have some, I will find one and add it soon. What can I say about them? Matt was right, they are a little crazy, but I love every minute of it. And I can honestly say, we couldn't do it without them. Eli really enjoys hanging out with this side of the family. You never know what to expect and every time we go visit, it is always an adventure in the making. Well that is really all that I wanted to say. Just that I love there guts!

This is my family, not Joni's. We are a little bit crazier than most families. Eli likes to take ALOT of naps with Grandma Gaye. Taylor (my fake sister) likes to eat our puppies and is never at her own house. She is always there laughing and being really crazy but we love her like she was one of our own. Justin and Eli like to do crazy things like, make baby carriers out of Justin's belt. Heater likes to take pictures of her self ALL THE TIME. Even if it is not her camera she will make sure there are pictures of her face on it. Then there is Eli playing at Grandma's he found this missle and decided to go blow up some stuff. He had a lot of fun with his orange camo and big missle. In case you haven't figured it out yet, this is Matt typing this post, instead of Joni.
But, Joni (that's me) did want to put her two cents in. These are my in-laws, well most of them. I didn't find a picture of grandpa Randy with Eli. But I know I have some, I will find one and add it soon. What can I say about them? Matt was right, they are a little crazy, but I love every minute of it. And I can honestly say, we couldn't do it without them. Eli really enjoys hanging out with this side of the family. You never know what to expect and every time we go visit, it is always an adventure in the making. Well that is really all that I wanted to say. Just that I love there guts!

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