Just a quick word to all you bloggers out there in Utah County who enjoy cheap, inexpensive ways to have fun, every Tuesday through the month of August is Two-Buck Tuesday at Thanksgiving Point in Lehi. It is $2 for all the attractions there. Go check the website out. I never realized how many things they actually had there. We decided to take Eli to the North American Natural History Museum or to make it sound more fun the Dinosaur Museum. It was a really fun time. But because of the circumstances it was packed. Eli was looking around a lot not really sure of what to think of all the big scary lizard bones. There were a few areas that were darker because they were trying to show the living circumstances that the dinasours once enjoyed. Eli didn't love the dark areas so much.

He seemed to have a death grip on his daddy's shirt. But not once did he start crying. He was being our brave little boy. It was really crazy to see the size comparison with us compared to this Supersaurus (really big dinosaur) .

Eli also had a lot of fun being a little Paleontologist

digging in the sand trying to find some old bones and fossils. He was a little young to really grasp the full concept of what he was looking at. But he was quite intrigued by all the different skeletons and models that were made to illustrate what the dinosaurs once looked like. They have an erosion table created for little tykes to play in and create there own little dinasour environment. Eli thought that was just great, to be playing in the sand and water and get to feel the new textures with his hands.

Next week we are going to go to the Farm Country.
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