Thursday, January 29, 2009
The time has come....
This is Sophie. Princess Sophie to be exact. Anyway, we love her lots, but the time has come that we feel we need to find her another good home. We have decided that just having one little dog would be a nice little change for awhile. So if any of you know someone who is looking for a very cute, loveable, small little lap puppy, let us know. She is about 6 months old, house trained, very loveable, a mix of pekanese and chihuahua, and loves kids. So let me know.
All Boy... What do you think?
What can I say? Thats my boy's, notice the plural on the word boy. Matt and Eli have so much fun together. They are so cute. The first picture, well I don't really know what I could say to add on that picture. Eli was just being so silly, and so cute at the same time. I had to snap some pictures. The second picture is Matt trying to show Eli how you look down the barel of the gun to line up your shot. Eli is how old... yeah that's right... he is only one. I guess you are never to early to learn safe gun handling and proper shooting technique. Love you boys.
Snow, snow go away, come again another day
So these pictures don't really have anything to do with anything, but Matt took these pictures the other morning and I thought they were so cool looking. The top one, Matt took a picture of the antena of our car. I have never seen frost look so cool before. And the last picture is of our backyard. Nothing really cool about the picture. I just thought it was kind of pretty.
Las Vegas... here we come
I apologize now, there are a ton of pictures on this post and the are really out of order. But this trip was so much fun, I wanted to share all of our fun experiences with you. Matt and I have been to Vegas lots of times, but I gotta tell you, going with a one year old and a three year old.... totally different experience, but a great one all in itself. Matt wanted to go down to the big CES technology confrence that is down in Vegas, but I didn't really have all that much desire to go look at a bunch of new technology things, so we invited our really good friends to go with us so that the men could go to the confrence and the women could just have fun with the kids. And believe me... we did!
Matt and Eli playing a game at the arcade in the Circus Circus hotel
Just a few more shots of Eli playing on some of the games in the arcade
This was a spongebob statue that was at the hotel and Eli was quite fascinated with it
Eli and John playing around on one of the rides
Matt and Eli watching the water show at the Belagio show. These are some of my favorite pictures. Eli was so fascinated and I thought that they looked so cute.
Matt and I showing off our true selves on Freemont Street
The three of us poseing with the Coka Cola bear at the Coke factory
John and Eli poseing in front of the M&M car the the M&M factory. They are the two cutest little boys. How were Matt and I so lucky to end up with such a cutie for a son.
A family picture taken at the M&M factory
John standing next to Red
Eli standing with Ms. Green
Mom and Eli with Ms. Green
Matt, Eli, and the Alien somewhere on the strip
Eli just bein his cute self. There was so much for him to look at walking down the strip, he was way fascinated and loving every minute of it.
Eli looking at the Lions of the lion habitat in the MGM hotel. He thought it was so cool to see the Lions although they were being kind of boring at the time that we where there but he still thought they were pretty cool. Matt and Eli sitting next to the crocodile at the Rainforest Cafe
Saturday, January 17, 2009
New Years Eve 2008
So I have to tell you the story behind this picture. As you can plainly see, Eli is not lovin life and he was quite upset with us, but it wasn't our fault. He didn't make it very late, he was a tired boy boy who went to bed nicely at around 9:30, but right before midnight (when we got the noise makers and all the celebration toys out) of course there was lots of noise. Well all this noise woke him up. So he was awake (sort of) to celebrate the New Year with us.
Heather, Taylor, Matt, Eli, and Joni welcoming the New Year
This is Austin playing in a pile of confetti. As you can tell we had great fun and made a terrible big mess.
Happy New Year everybody. I know, I am only about a month late, but my philosophy has always been that it is better late then never. So here are a few pictures to show how we celebrated our New Year. It was great to see family and friends and as you can see we had a really fun celebration to welcome in the New Year.
This is Austin playing in a pile of confetti. As you can tell we had great fun and made a terrible big mess.
Happy New Year everybody. I know, I am only about a month late, but my philosophy has always been that it is better late then never. So here are a few pictures to show how we celebrated our New Year. It was great to see family and friends and as you can see we had a really fun celebration to welcome in the New Year.
Christmas 2008
This is Eli's amazing block set that his daddy and I made him
So Christmas was insane this year. It was so busy, we were all over the place. We went to Delta for Christmas Eve and then after my families Christmas Eve party, we headed up to Kearns to spend Christmas morning with Matt's family. It was pretty late when we got there, but honestly, who sleeps on Christmas Eve night anyway. Christmas morning was so much fun with Eli this year. He is big enough that he could crawl down the stairs and he was so excited to see all his new toys. He crawled over to them and knocked over his blocks. Then he tried to get on his bouncing Zebra. This was exciting for Matt and I to see. We were glad that he liked the things that Santa had suprised him with. Christmas was all around great for our family. I have a great husband and he got me everything that I wanted and more. And I'm pretty sure that Eli loved everything that he got. And Matt seemed pretty happy with what he got as well. Grandma Gaye gave Eli a Yo Gabba Gabba guitar and he loved it. He still loves it. It goes everywhere with us. He loves to push the buttons and hear the different gabba songs. I think that Matt's family knows this kid all to well because his Uncle Justin got him a Gabba shirt and a Brobee stuffed monster. If you haven't already figured it out, Eli loves Yo Gabba Gabba and pretty much everything that goes along with it. Eli got some new books and a Dragon figurine set, and lots of fun things. So, I just wanted to share some memories of our fun Christmas 2008.
So Christmas was insane this year. It was so busy, we were all over the place. We went to Delta for Christmas Eve and then after my families Christmas Eve party, we headed up to Kearns to spend Christmas morning with Matt's family. It was pretty late when we got there, but honestly, who sleeps on Christmas Eve night anyway. Christmas morning was so much fun with Eli this year. He is big enough that he could crawl down the stairs and he was so excited to see all his new toys. He crawled over to them and knocked over his blocks. Then he tried to get on his bouncing Zebra. This was exciting for Matt and I to see. We were glad that he liked the things that Santa had suprised him with. Christmas was all around great for our family. I have a great husband and he got me everything that I wanted and more. And I'm pretty sure that Eli loved everything that he got. And Matt seemed pretty happy with what he got as well. Grandma Gaye gave Eli a Yo Gabba Gabba guitar and he loved it. He still loves it. It goes everywhere with us. He loves to push the buttons and hear the different gabba songs. I think that Matt's family knows this kid all to well because his Uncle Justin got him a Gabba shirt and a Brobee stuffed monster. If you haven't already figured it out, Eli loves Yo Gabba Gabba and pretty much everything that goes along with it. Eli got some new books and a Dragon figurine set, and lots of fun things. So, I just wanted to share some memories of our fun Christmas 2008.
Eli's First time on a horse
So we went to visit Delta over the holiday season and Eli's Aunt Jessica invited all the kids out to the arena to go horse back riding with her family. Eli was loving it. He liked it so much that he was throwing a stinking fit when I made him get off. Seriously, that horse is like 10 times his size. I thought for sure he would be terrified of it, but no way, he was living it up. Thanks Aunt Jess for letting us come out and ride your horses.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
A tag about Eli!
Name and Meaning: Eli - Eli means Uplifted or Ascent, it has a biblical background and the 'El' part stands for god. He got his name from Walt Disney... I know I know, that makes no sense but if you know that his real name is Walter Elias Disney, then it makes a little more since. We didn't like Walter, or Elias, but we did like Eli, so that is were his name came from.
Age: 14 months
Nicknames: Handsome, Monkey, Monker-chu
Favorite Activities: Reading books, Dancing to Yo Gabba Gabba songs and The tiger and Pooh theme song, Pretty much dancing to any music, He loves to tackle his puppy dogs, He loves wrestling with his daddy, He loves water and playing in the tub or going swimming, He loves being outside, and he loves to watch Yo Gabba Gabba and Tiger and Pooh.
Favorite Foods: Anything..... But his favorites are probably pastas, cheese of any kind, mashed potatoes, yogurt, apple juice, chicken noodle soup and spaghettio's, he loves to snack on jerky sticks, scrambled eggs, bananas and just about anything. He is a great eater.
Least Favorite Foods: There are very few, at least of the stuff that we have tried with him. He still only has four teeth so there are a few things we don't try with him yet because he can't quite break it up yet.
Favorite Music: This list would go on forever. He pretty much gets it all between his daddy's music and my music. But his definite favorite would have to be Yo Gabba Gabba songs and the Tiger and Pooh theme. He can be clear down the hall and when he hears them, he come running and the dances and wiggles. It is about the cutest thing ever. I will have to try to catch a video of it.
Favorite Toys: His Dragon set, His Car's Ball, His Gabba and Tiger and Pooh stuffed animals, His Batman Figures, His cars, any new type of technology that he can take from his dad or I, like our cell phones, or Matt's PSP or ipods.... you name it, he wants to play with it. But he pretty much can entertain himself for a little while with almost anything, he is very easy going and plays with lots of different things.
Favorite Books: His Tigger and Pooh ones are the ones he carry's around the most, but honestly I haven't realIy noticed him having a favorite yet, or one that he brings to me more often then others. He just brings me a different one each time and once we are done with that one, he will go get me a new one.
Favorite Item of clothing: Well, since he is a boy, I don't really know if he has one. Honestly, I think he would run around in his diaper all day if I would let him, but if I had to choose something I would have to say his Yo Gabba Gabba hoody, shirt and Pajamas. When he see's his favorite characters on the shirts he is much more willing to put it on.
What makes him happy: Yo Gabba Gabba anything, His daddy coming home from work, Going outside to do anything, Music of any kind, Lilly (his puppy) but only when she is in a friendly playful mood, which is actually quite frequently... she is so protective and cute with him, it is very fun to watch. Playing in the bathtub or going swimming, he loves the water. All in all he is generally always a happy boy. It takes a lot to set him off.
What makes him unhappy: When mommy or daddy leave is the biggest one, Not nursing... I know it sounds crazy, but he hates it.
Funny Words or Phrases: He is still not a really big talker, he is working on it, but ones that he says a lot (not necessarily funny) are Hat, Ball, Momma and Dadda, Gabba, Grandma, Lara and Please. So there really isn't one that is all that funny, but he is young, we are working on it.
Eli Tags: Brynlee and Haven (Janis), and Brigam (Cassie)
Age: 14 months
Nicknames: Handsome, Monkey, Monker-chu
Favorite Activities: Reading books, Dancing to Yo Gabba Gabba songs and The tiger and Pooh theme song, Pretty much dancing to any music, He loves to tackle his puppy dogs, He loves wrestling with his daddy, He loves water and playing in the tub or going swimming, He loves being outside, and he loves to watch Yo Gabba Gabba and Tiger and Pooh.
Favorite Foods: Anything..... But his favorites are probably pastas, cheese of any kind, mashed potatoes, yogurt, apple juice, chicken noodle soup and spaghettio's, he loves to snack on jerky sticks, scrambled eggs, bananas and just about anything. He is a great eater.
Least Favorite Foods: There are very few, at least of the stuff that we have tried with him. He still only has four teeth so there are a few things we don't try with him yet because he can't quite break it up yet.
Favorite Music: This list would go on forever. He pretty much gets it all between his daddy's music and my music. But his definite favorite would have to be Yo Gabba Gabba songs and the Tiger and Pooh theme. He can be clear down the hall and when he hears them, he come running and the dances and wiggles. It is about the cutest thing ever. I will have to try to catch a video of it.
Favorite Toys: His Dragon set, His Car's Ball, His Gabba and Tiger and Pooh stuffed animals, His Batman Figures, His cars, any new type of technology that he can take from his dad or I, like our cell phones, or Matt's PSP or ipods.... you name it, he wants to play with it. But he pretty much can entertain himself for a little while with almost anything, he is very easy going and plays with lots of different things.
Favorite Books: His Tigger and Pooh ones are the ones he carry's around the most, but honestly I haven't realIy noticed him having a favorite yet, or one that he brings to me more often then others. He just brings me a different one each time and once we are done with that one, he will go get me a new one.
Favorite Item of clothing: Well, since he is a boy, I don't really know if he has one. Honestly, I think he would run around in his diaper all day if I would let him, but if I had to choose something I would have to say his Yo Gabba Gabba hoody, shirt and Pajamas. When he see's his favorite characters on the shirts he is much more willing to put it on.
What makes him happy: Yo Gabba Gabba anything, His daddy coming home from work, Going outside to do anything, Music of any kind, Lilly (his puppy) but only when she is in a friendly playful mood, which is actually quite frequently... she is so protective and cute with him, it is very fun to watch. Playing in the bathtub or going swimming, he loves the water. All in all he is generally always a happy boy. It takes a lot to set him off.
What makes him unhappy: When mommy or daddy leave is the biggest one, Not nursing... I know it sounds crazy, but he hates it.
Funny Words or Phrases: He is still not a really big talker, he is working on it, but ones that he says a lot (not necessarily funny) are Hat, Ball, Momma and Dadda, Gabba, Grandma, Lara and Please. So there really isn't one that is all that funny, but he is young, we are working on it.
Eli Tags: Brynlee and Haven (Janis), and Brigam (Cassie)
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