So I know I am only about a month late on this post, but I really just had to tell the story and post this oh so adorable picture of Eli. I hate black Friday, and if you know me, you know that I absolutely hate shopping. But, my mother in law loves to shop and with the economy the way that it is, I was more then okay trying to hit some of the amazing deals that they have for Christmas items. Well when we first discussed it, Matt was going to stay home with Eli and I was going to go shopping with the girls, but then when it came right down to it, Matt wanted to go hit Best Buy and a few other electronic stores, So I decided to take Eli with me.....yeah, I know, how rude is that.... But look how cute he is? So at 4:30 in the morning, we take off to go shopping and I have about the most amazing son ever. He was so good.We put two big fluffy pillows in the bottom of the cart and then laid him down on his blanket. He looks pretty comfortable huh? I may enjoy shopping more if I could shop the way that Eli does. So, here is the story. I just had to share this cute picture and exciting morning that Eli and I had.
what a cutie. My kids would have been too excited to see all the people to keep sleeping. Glad you had fun!! :)