Age: 14 months
Nicknames: Handsome, Monkey, Monker-chu
Favorite Activities: Reading books, Dancing to Yo Gabba Gabba songs and The tiger and Pooh theme song, Pretty much dancing to any music, He loves to tackle his puppy dogs, He loves wrestling with his daddy, He loves water and playing in the tub or going swimming, He loves being outside, and he loves to watch Yo Gabba Gabba and Tiger and Pooh.
Favorite Foods: Anything..... But his favorites are probably pastas, cheese of any kind, mashed potatoes, yogurt, apple juice, chicken noodle soup and spaghettio's, he loves to snack on jerky sticks, scrambled eggs, bananas and just about anything. He is a great eater.
Least Favorite Foods: There are very few, at least of the stuff that we have tried with him. He still only has four teeth so there are a few things we don't try with him yet because he can't quite break it up yet.
Favorite Music: This list would go on forever. He pretty much gets it all between his daddy's music and my music. But his definite favorite would have to be Yo Gabba Gabba songs and the Tiger and Pooh theme. He can be clear down the hall and when he hears them, he come running and the dances and wiggles. It is about the cutest thing ever. I will have to try to catch a video of it.
Favorite Toys: His Dragon set, His Car's Ball, His Gabba and Tiger and Pooh stuffed animals, His Batman Figures, His cars, any new type of technology that he can take from his dad or I, like our cell phones, or Matt's PSP or ipods.... you name it, he wants to play with it. But he pretty much can entertain himself for a little while with almost anything, he is very easy going and plays with lots of different things.
Favorite Books: His Tigger and Pooh ones are the ones he carry's around the most, but honestly I haven't realIy noticed him having a favorite yet, or one that he brings to me more often then others. He just brings me a different one each time and once we are done with that one, he will go get me a new one.
Favorite Item of clothing: Well, since he is a boy, I don't really know if he has one. Honestly, I think he would run around in his diaper all day if I would let him, but if I had to choose something I would have to say his Yo Gabba Gabba hoody, shirt and Pajamas. When he see's his favorite characters on the shirts he is much more willing to put it on.
What makes him unhappy: When mommy or daddy leave is the biggest one, Not nursing... I know it sounds crazy, but he hates it.

Funny Words or Phrases: He is still not a really big talker, he is working on it, but ones that he says a lot (not necessarily funny) are Hat, Ball, Momma and Dadda, Gabba, Grandma, Lara and Please. So there really isn't one that is all that funny, but he is young, we are working on it.
Eli Tags: Brynlee and Haven (Janis), and Brigam (Cassie)
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