A week or so ago we went out to Bountiful to Great Grandma Lueen's birthday party. She is Matt's Grandma, Eli's Great Grandma. But what is so cool about this picture is that the sweet little lady sitting next to Eli is actually Lueen's mom. So that is Eli's Great, Great grandma. How cool is that? You have Eli, Matt, Randy, Randy's Mom (Lueen), and then Lueen's Mom (Great Grandma Newman). How sad is that this is the only name I know her by? I do believe I need to learn this sweet ladies name. Everyone always just calls her Grandma Newman. There is nothing really spectacular about the second picture. I just thought that it was absolutely hilarious how intrigued all three of them were over watching Eli play a game that his dad had download to his Ipod touch for Eli. It is a toddler game and Eli loves it. He actually found a few that are perfect for Eli's age and they actually teach some pretty cool things too. So to end this post, I just want to say Happy Birthday to Grandma Lueen. Hope to celebrate many more with you. Remember always how much we love you!

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