I'm hoping one day that I can make enough money to pursue a bit more of a career in photography. I really do love it. But then I think about it, and one of the main reasons that I love it so much is because I have such an adorable little model to take pictures of. He is one in a million I tell you people. We went to memory grove the other day for a picnic and he was just playing it up for me. I got so many cute pictures of him this particular outing. I don't really feel that I would ever wish the modeling career on anyone, because I feel that it takes away the innocence of childhood for most people. But if I did believe in it a little more, I feel this little boy would have a pretty good shot at it. He has these amazing beautiful blue eyes, and perfect blond hair, and that smile..... it just melts your heart.
Definitely one of my new favorites
He looks like he is thinking really hard about something in this picture
Probably my favorite of the day
Also another favorite
This one and the one underneath are two of my favorites of all time. I love the angel and I just love how pure and innocent he looks in them. He is just so perfect.
He is SO cute! Yes, he could definately be a good model for sure! :)